What we love at SR:
Here at Strong Roots, we believe in stripping away outside influences, tuning into the body’s needs, and returning to the common-sense roots of nourishment: adequacy, balance, and enjoyment. We believe in helping people recognize, on an individual basis, what they require to feel their best and assisting them in honoring and fulfilling those needs while keeping in mind personal values and taste preferences through a non-diet, Health at Every Size (HAES) approach. We believe in meeting people wherever they are on their health journey and helping them make changes that allow them to live more vibrantly by ditching diet culture and accepting their God-given bodies.
We believe that valuable sources of nutrition come from a variety of foods, and learning to view all food from a neutral lens is key in having a healthy relationship with food and body. This means stripping away labels of “good” and “bad” from foods, eliminating fear of food, and honoring what we need and want. Food is a basic need – a fundamental requirement for survival as humans – and fear, guilt, and self-judgment should not be associated with eating. Those emotions are an unfortunate norm in our diet culture-infused world, but they don’t have to be the norm in your life.
What you won’t find at SR:
We do not support diet trends that have little to no scientific support. We don’t talk about what not to eat because we believe all foods can play a part in our lives. The human body is amazingly complex and it knows how to put ALL food to good use. We won’t suggest weight loss as a part of your health journey and instead value a weight-neutral approach to health and nutrition.